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Boulanger Initiative February Wikithon

To celebrate Black History Month, the February BI Wikithon will focus on historical composers of color. We will be editing the Wikipedia pages of Chiquinha Gonzaga, Carmen Brouard, Shirley Graham Du Bois, Avril Coleridge-Taylor, Zenobia Powell Perry, and others.

Expanding the collective understanding of the contributions and impact of gender-marginalized composers is integral to cultivating inclusivity and representation in music. Wikipedia is one of the most accessible platforms when it comes to raising awareness; however, many of the articles present overstate the family and relationships of gender-marginalized composers while severely understating their professional achievements.

BI's monthly Wikithons are designed to improve the coverage of gender-marginalized composers on Wikipedia by improving pages, updating language, and providing more extensive information surrounding the individuals and their music. All events include a brief tutorial, editing support, and everything you need to get started in making an impact! People of all gender identities and expressions are invited to participate.

December 13

Boulanger Initiative December Wikithon

March 13

Boulanger Initiative Database Launch Event